New publication: What mechanisms control the level of immune regulation?

The level of immune activity is tightly controlled by the number of so-called regulatory T cells (Tregs) but it remains unclear which mechanisms control their numbers. A deeper understanding of this question will help to design better therapies against allergic and autoimmune diseases.
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Professors Blank and Schmidt-Weber Receive Prestigious Co-Creation Funding from the Helmholtz Association

With the co-creation projects as part of the transfer campaign, the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centers ensures a seamless transition from research to application.  
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New Study uncovers link between dietary salt intake and asthma in females

The findings of Prof. Francesca Alessandrini and colleagues shed light onto the link of dietary salt and asthma incidence – a so far controversially discussed topic – and support the potential of dietary recommendations for the prevention of asthma or during its therapy.
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Constanze Jakwerth Awarded Habilitation in Molecular Immunology at Technical University of Munich

Constanze Jakwerth has been granted her teaching qualification in higher education (Habilitation) and the right to teach in the field of Molecular Immunology at the School of Medicine and Health of the Technical University of Munich. This prestigious achievement also confers upon her the authority to carry the title of "Privatdozent" (private lecturer).   Jakwerth's Habilitation reflects her…
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New publication: Novel ‚brake‘ for intestinal Tregs identified by ZAUM researchers

The immune system actively tolerizes intestinal microbes and dietary antigens including food allergens via the induction of a specialized subset of regulatory T cells, so-called ROR(gt)+ Tregs. These Tregs are essential to maintain intestinal homeostasis and prevent a variety of intestinal diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease and food allergy.
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Bayerischer Rundfunk Reports on ZAUM Study: New Insights into Childhood Asthma

On the occasion of World Asthma Day, Bavarian Broadcasting (BR) reports on a recently published study that has achieved groundbreaking results in understanding the development of childhood asthma. Led by Prof. Dr. Carsten Schmidt-Weber and Priv.-Doz. Dr. Constanze Jakwerth, the study reveals how genetic variants located on chromosome 17q21 significantly disrupt mucosal host defenses, contributing…
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Asthma in Children: ZAUM Researchers Envision Novel Drug to Reduce the Risk of the Disease

Scientists of ZAUM have reached a milestone in the research of childhood asthma. For the first time, they have clarified how a certain genetic defect in children initially leads to frequent infections and later to asthma. The study, published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, offers a novel approach to therapeutic interventions. It is the result of a close…
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Prof. Buters receives EAACI fellow price

At the last European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) conference in Hamburg 9-11. June 2023, Prof. Dr. Buters from ZAUM received the EAACI-fellow price. EAACI has about 13.000 members, and scientists with an excellent performance and being active for the EAACI-society are eligible for this prestigious award. A good scientific performance is measured as having a H-factor of >45.…
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Molecular Allergology User's Guide 2.0 from the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) released

Simon Blank (Head of the Molecular and Translational Allergology group) contributed to two chapters (Bee Venom Allergy & Vespid Venom Allergy) of the second edition the "EAACI Molecular Allergology User's Guide", the world’s first comprehensive handbook on Molecular Allergology.
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