

The atypical IkappaB family member Bcl3 determines differentiation and fate of intestinal RORgammat(+) regulatory T-cell subsets

Kohler, A., A. L. Geiselhoringer, D. Kolland, L. Kreft, N. Wichmann, M. Hils, M. Pasztoi, E. Zurkowski, J. Vogt, T. Kubelbeck, T. Biedermann, I. Schmitz, W. Hansen, D. Kramer, M. M. Gaida, C. B. Schmidt-Weber, N. Hoevelmeyer, and C. Ohnmacht.  Mucosal Immunol. 2024; Apr 23:S1933-0219(24)00039-4. doi: 10.1016/j.mucimm.2024.04.002.Online ahead of print.


CCR3-dependent eosinophil recruitment is regulated by sialyltransferase ST3Gal-IV

Immler, R., K. Nussbaumer, A. Doerner, O. El Bounkari, S. Huber, J. Abisch, M. Napoli, S. Schmidt, A. Margraf, M. Pruenster, I. Rohwedder, B. Lange-Sperandio, M. A. Mall, R. de Jong, C. Ohnmacht, J. Bernhagen, D. Voehringer, J. D. Marth, D. Frommhold, and M. Sperandio. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2024; 121: e2319057121


Comparative Metagenomic Analysis of Bacteriophages and Prophages in Gnotobiotic Mouse Models

Ishola, O. A., S. Kublik, A. C. Durai Raj, C. Ohnmacht, S. Schulz, B. U. Foesel, and M. Schloter. Microorganisms 2024; 12(2):255


IgE and anaphylaxis specific to the carbohydrate alpha-gal depend on IL-4

Hils, M., N. Hoffard, C. Iuliano, L. Kreft, N. Chakrapani, K. Swiontek, K. Fischer, B. Eberlein, M. Koberle, J. Fischer, C. Hilger, C. Ohnmacht, S. Kaesler, F. Wolbing, and T. Biedermann. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2024; 153: 1050-1062 e1056


TGF-beta specifies T(FH) versus T(H)17 cell fates in murine CD4(+) T cells through c-Maf

Chang, Y., L. Bach, M. Hasiuk, L. Wen, T. Elmzzahi, C. Tsui, N. Gutierrez-Melo, T. Steffen, D. T. Utzschneider, T. Raj, P. J. Jost, S. Heink, J. Cheng, O. T. Burton, J. Zeitrag, D. Alterauge, F. Dahlstrom, J. C. Becker, M. Kastl, K. Symeonidis, M. van Uelft, M. Becker, S. Reschke, S. Krebs, H. Blum, Z. Abdullah, K. Paeschke, C. Ohnmacht, C. Neumann, A. Liston, F. Meissner, T. Korn, J. Hasenauer, V. Heissmeyer, M. Beyer, A. Kallies, L. T. Jeker, and D. Baumjohann. Sci Immunol 2024; 9: eadd4818



The aryl hydrocarbon receptor regulates lipid mediator production in alveolar macrophages

Maier, A. M., K. Huth, F. Alessandrini, B. Schnautz, A. Arifovic, F. Riols, M. Haid, A. Koegler, K. Sameith, C. B. Schmidt-Weber, J. Esser-von-Bieren, and C. Ohnmacht. Front Immunol2023; 14: 1157373



Diversity of T Helper and Regulatory T Cells and Their Contribution to the Pathogenesis of Allergic Diseases

Ohnmacht, C., and S. Eyerich.  Handb Exp Pharmacol2022; 268: 265-296


Macrophages acquire a TNF-dependent inflammatory memory in allergic asthma

Lechner, A., F. D. R. Henkel, F. Hartung, S. Bohnacker, F. Alessandrini, E. O. Gubernatorova, M. S. Drutskaya, C. Angioni, Y. Schreiber, P. Haimerl, Y. Ge, D. Thomas, A. M. Kabat, E. J. Pearce, C. Ohnmacht, S. A. Nedospasov, P. J. Murray, A. M. Chaker, C. B. Schmidt-Weber, and J. Esser-von Bieren.  J Allergy Clin Immunol 2022; 149: 2078-2090


PLGA-PEG-PLGA hydrogel as depot matrix for allergen-specific immunotherapy

Sonja Heine, Antonio Aguilar-Pimentel, Dennis Russkamp, Francesca Alessandrini, Valerie Gailus-Durner, Helmut Fuchs, Markus Ollert, Reinhard Bredehorst, Caspar Ohnmacht, Ulrich M. Zissler, Martin Hrabě de Angelis, Carsten B. Schmidt-Weber, Simon Blank. Pharmaceutics 2022; 14(8):1527


A novel monoclonal IgG1 antibody specific for Galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose questions alpha-Gal epitope expression by bacteria

Luisa Kreft, Aloys Schepers, Miriam Hils, Kyra Swiontek, Andrew Flatley, Robert Janowski, Mohammadali Khan Mirzaei, Michael Dittmar, Neera Chakrapani, Mahesh S. Desai, Stefanie Eyerich, Li Deng, Dierk Niessing, Konrad Fischer, Regina Feederle, Simon Blank, Carsten B. Schmidt-Weber, Christiane Hilger, Tilo Biedermann, Caspar Ohnmacht. Front Immunol 2022; 13:958952


Lung epithelial CYP1 activity regulates aryl hydrocarbon receptor dependent allergic airway inflammation.

Alessandrini F, de Jong R., Wimmer M, Maier AM, Fernandez I, Hils M, Buters J, Biedermann T., Zissler U, Hoffmann C, Esser-von-Bieren J, Schmidt-Weber CB and Ohnmacht C. Front Immunol 2022


Tissue niches formed by intestinal mesenchymal stromal cells in mucosal homeostasis and immunity.

Pasztoi M and Ohnmacht C. Int J Mol Sci 2022; 23(9): 5181


NF-kB in control of regulatory T cell development, identity and function.

Hoevelmeyer N, Schmidt-Supprian M and Ohnmacht C. J Mol Med 2022; Online ahead of print. 



Anti-ferroptotic mechanism of IL4i1-mediated amino acid metabolism.

Zeitler L, Fiore A, Meyer C, Russier M, Zanella G, Suppmann S, Gagaro M, Sidhu SS, Seshagiri S, Ohnmacht C, Köcher T, Fallarino F, Linkermann A, Murray PJ. Elife. 2021 Mar 1;10:e64806. 


Environmental signals rather than layered ontogeny imprint the function of type 2 conventional dendritic cells in young and adult mice.

Papaioannou NE, Salei N, Rambichler S, Ravi K, Popovic J, Küntzel V, Lehmann CHK, Fiancette R, Salvermoser J, Gajdasik DW, Mettler R, Messerer D, Carrelha J, Ohnmacht C, Haller D, Stumm R, Straub T, Jacobsen SEW, Schulz C, Withers DR, Schotta G, Dudziak D, Schraml BU. Nat Commun. 2021 Jan 19;12(1):464. 



Therapeutic Potential of the Intestinal Microbiota for Immunomodulation of Food Allergies.

Kreft L, Hoffmann C, Ohnmacht C. Front Immunol. 2020 Aug 14;11:1853.


An anti-inflammatory eicosanoid switch mediates the suppression of type-2 inflammation by helminth larval products.

de Los Reyes Jiménez M, Lechner A, Alessandrini F, Bohnacker S, Schindela S, Trompette A, Haimerl P, Thomas D, Henkel F, Mourão A, Geerlof A, da Costa CP, Chaker AM, Brüne B, Nüsing R, Jakobsson PJ, Nockher WA, Feige MJ, Haslbeck M, Ohnmacht C, Marsland BJ, Voehringer D, Harris NL, Schmidt-Weber CB, Esser-von Bieren J. Sci Transl Med. 2020 Apr 22;12(540):eaay0605.



RelB Deficiency in Dendritic Cells Protects from Autoimmune Inflammation Due to Spontaneous Accumulation of Tissue T Regulatory Cells.

Andreas N, Potthast M, Geiselhöringer AL, Garg G, de Jong R, Riewaldt J, Russkamp D, Riemann M, Girard JP, Blank S, Kretschmer K, Schmidt-Weber C, Korn T, Weih F, Ohnmacht C.

J Immunol. 2019 in press


Dendritic Cell Accumulation in the Gut and Central Nervous System Is Differentially Dependent on α4 Integrins.

Sie C, Perez LG, Kreutzfeldt M, Potthast M, Ohnmacht C, Merkler D, Huber S, Krug A, Korn T.

J Immunol. 2019 Sep 15;203(6):1417-1427.


Aire-expressing ILC3-like cells in the lymph node display potent APC features.
Yamano T, Dobeš J, Vobořil M, Steinert M, Brabec T, Ziętara N, Dobešová M, Ohnmacht C, Laan M, Peterson P, Benes V, Sedláček R, Hanayama R, Kolář M, Klein L, Filipp D.

Journal of Experimental Medicine 2019 doi: 10.1084/jem.20181430


IL-4 receptor α blockade prevents sensitization and alters acute and long-lasting effects of allergen-specific immunotherapy of murine allergic asthma.
Russkamp D, Aguilar-Pimentel A, Alessandrini F, Gailus-Durner V, Fuchs H, Ohnmacht C, Chaker A, de Angelis MH, Ollert M, Schmidt-Weber CB, Blank S.

Allergy 2019 doi: 10.1111/all.13759


Hematopoietic ChemR23 (Chemerin Receptor 23) Fuels Atherosclerosis by Sustaining an M1 Macrophage-Phenotype and Guidance of Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells to Murine Lesions.
Van der Vorst EPC, Mandl M, Müller M, Neideck C, Jansen Y, Hristov M, Gencer S, Peters LJF, Meiler S, Feld M, Geiselhöringer AL, de Jong RJ, Ohnmacht C, Noels H, Soehnlein O, Drechsler M, Weber C, Döring Y.

Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2019 doi: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.119.312386. [Epub ahead of print]


Defining Dysbiosis in Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
de Jong, R. and C. Ohnmacht. 

Immunity 2019, 50(1): 8-10



Ogawa, C., Bankoti, R., Nguyen, T., Hassanzadeh-Kiabi, N., Nadeau, S., Porritt, R., Couse, M., Fan, X., Dhall, D., Eberl, G., Ohnmacht, C. and G. Martins. Blimp1 functions as a molecular switch to prevent production of inflammatroy cytokines and loss of  suppressor activity in RORγt+Foxp3+ Treg cells. 

Cell reports, in press



Barthels, C.#, Ogrinc, A.#, Steyer V., Meier, S., Simon, F., Wimmer, M., Blutke, A., Straub, T., Zimber-Strobl, U., Lutgens, E., Marconi, P., Ohnmacht, C., Garzetti., D., Stecher, B. and Brocker, T. CD40-signaling abrogates induction of ROR?t+ Treg cells by intestinal CD103+ DCs and causes fatal colitis. 

Nature communications 2017, in press



Kepert, I., Fonseca, J., Mu?ller, C., Milger, K., Hochwind, K., Kostric, M., Fedoseeva, M., Ohnmacht, C., Dehmel, S., Nathan, P., Bartel, S., Eickelberg, O., Schloter, M., Hartmann, A., Schmitt- Kopplin, P., Krauss-Etschmann, S. D-Tryptophan from probiotic bacteria influences the gut microbiome and allergic airway disease.
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, doi 10.1016/j.jaci.2016.09.003, in press

Fedoseeva, M. & Ohnmacht, C. Wie die Darmflora Allergien verhindern kann.
Dtsch. Aertzteblatt. 2016, DOI: 10.3238/PersPneumo.2016.06.17.06

Ohnmacht, C. Microbiota, regulatory T cell subsets and allergic disorders.
Allergo J Int. 2016; 25(5):114-123

Ohnmacht, C. Tolerance to The Intestinal Microbiota Mediated by ROR(γt)+ Cells.
Trends Immunol. 2016 Jul;37(7):477-86.


Ohnmacht, C.#, Park, J.H.#, Cording, S., Wing, J.B., Atarashi, K., Obata, Y., Gaboriau-Routhiau, V., Marques, R., Dulauroy, S., Fedoseeva, M., Busslinger, M., Cerf-Bensussan, N., Boneca, I.G., Voehringer, D., Hase, K., Honda, K., Sakaguchi, S. and G. Eberl. MUCOSAL IMMUNOLOGY. The microbiota regulates type 2 immunity through RORgammat(+) T cells.
Science 349, 989-993.

Wimmer, M.#, Alessandrini, F.#, Gilles, S., Frank, U., Oeder, S., Hauser, M., Ring, J., Ferreira, F., Ernst, D., Winkler, JB., Schmitt-Kopplin, P., Ohnmacht, C., Behrendt, H., Schmidt-Weber, C., Traidl-Hoffmann, C.*, Gutermuth, J*. Pollen-derived nonallergenic substances enhance Th2-induced IgE production in B cells.
Allergy 70, 944-54

Massot, B., Michel, M.L., Diem, S., Ohnmacht, C., Latour, S., Dy, M., Eberl, G., and Leite-de-Moraes, M.C. (2014). TLR-induced cytokines promote effective proinflammatory natural Th17 cell responses.
J Immunol 192, 5635-5642.

Cherrier, M.#, Ohnmacht, C.#, Cording, S.#, and Eberl, G. (2012). Development and function of intestinal innate lymphoid cells.
Curr Opin Immunol 24, 277-283.

Lochner, M., Ohnmacht, C., Presley, L., Bruhns, P., Si-Tahar, M., Sawa, S., and Eberl, G. (2011). Microbiota-induced tertiary lymphoid tissues aggravate inflammatory disease in the absence of RORgamma t and LTi cells.
J Exp Med 208, 125-134.

Ohnmacht, C.#, Marques, R.#, Presley, L.#, Sawa, S.#, Lochner, M.#, and Eberl, G. (2011). Intestinal microbiota, evolution of the immune system and the bad reputation of pro-inflammatory immunity.
Cell Microbiol 13, 653-659.

Ohnmacht, C.#, Schwartz, C.#, Panzer, M., Schiedewitz, I., Naumann, R., and Voehringer, D. (2010). Basophils orchestrate chronic allergic dermatitis and protective immunity against helminths.
Immunity 33, 364-374.

Ohnmacht, C., and Voehringer, D. (2010). Basophils protect against reinfection with hookworms independently of mast cells and memory Th2 cells.
J Immunol 184, 344-350.

Ohnmacht, C., Pullner, A., King, S.B., Drexler, I., Meier, S., Brocker, T., and Voehringer, D. (2009). Constitutive ablation of dendritic cells breaks self-tolerance of CD4 T cells and results in spontaneous fatal autoimmunity.
J Exp Med 206, 549-559.

Ohnmacht, C., and Voehringer, D. (2009). Basophil effector function and homeostasis during helminth infection.
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King, SB., Knorn, AM., Ohnmacht C. and D. Voehringer. Accumulation of effector CD4 T cells during type 2 immune responses is negatively regulated by Stat6.
J Immunol 2008 180:754-63.

Ohnmacht, C., Pullner, A., van Rooijen, N., and Voehringer, D. (2007). Analysis of eosinophil turnover in vivo reveals their active recruitment to and prolonged survival in the peritoneal cavity.
J Immunol 179, 4766-4774.

# contributed equally as first author.
* contributed equally as last author.