Bayerischer Rundfunk Reports on ZAUM Study: New Insights into Childhood Asthma

On the occasion of World Asthma Day, Bavarian Broadcasting (BR) reports on a recently published study that has achieved groundbreaking results in understanding the development of childhood asthma. Led by Prof. Dr. Carsten Schmidt-Weber and Priv.-Doz. Dr. Constanze Jakwerth, the study reveals how genetic variants located on chromosome 17q21 significantly disrupt mucosal host defenses, contributing to the onset of asthma in children.

Link to the report on BR

The findings, published in the "American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine", underline the importance of genetic factors in the onset of childhood asthma and could lead to more targeted therapies in the future.

For more information, see the original publication by Jakwerth et al., 2024, titled "17q21 Variants Disturb Mucosal Host Defense in Childhood Asthma"